🔧 IT Tools
A collection of useful tools for developers and IT professionals.
Barcode Generator
Generate barcodes for any text or number.
Base64 Encoder/Decoder
Convert text to Base64 and vice versa.
Color Converter
Convert HEX and RGB colors.
Cron Expression Generator
Create cron expressions for scheduling tasks.
CSS Formatter
Format and beautify CSS code.
DNS Lookup
Fetch DNS records for any domain.
Hash Generator
Generate MD5, SHA256, and SHA512 hashes.
HTML Encoder/Decoder
Encode and decode HTML entities.
HTML Formatter
Format and beautify your HTML code.
IP Lookup
Get location and ISP info from an IP address.
JavaScript Formatter
Format and beautify JavaScript code.
JSON ↔ XML Converter
Convert JSON to XML and XML to JSON.
JSON Formatter
Format and validate JSON data.
JWT Decoder
Decode and inspect JWT tokens.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Generate dummy text for designs.
MAC Lookup
Find vendor info from a MAC address.
Ping & Latency Tester
Measure response time for domains and IP addresses.
QR Code Generator
Generate a QR Code from text or URL.
Regex Tester
Test regular expressions.
SQL Formatter
Beautify and format SQL queries.
Text Diff Checker
Compare two texts and highlight the differences.
Time Zone Converter
Convert time across different time zones.
Timestamp Converter
Convert timestamps to human-readable format.
URL Encoder/Decoder
Encode or decode URLs.
UUID Generator
Generate a random UUID.
Word Counter & Analyzer
Count words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs.